Herc Stormsailor is the accidental member of the Lightning League.
Promised payment in gold for carrying the Lightning League as
passengers, he vowed to "stick with" the group until paid in full
after the gold (which Gillian made, using a faulty spell) reverted to
a worthless pile of lead. Somewhere in his mid-thirties, Herc has
been around the block and then some, spending time as a trader, an
intergalactic commando, a smuggler, and a pirate. He owns the Pride
of the Skies, the ship which the Lightning League now uses for
transport, and is an excellent pilot and soldier. He is also stubborn,
sarcastic, and prone to chase after buried treasure. Though at first
his involvement with the Lightning League centers around a desire to
get paid, Herc is evenutally motivated by his friendships with Jayce
and the other league members.