There are sixty-five original episodes of "Jayce and the Wheeled
Warriors". When I saw them, they were broadcast on WSBK, channel 38,
in Boston. The time slot varied, but the order in which
the episodes were broadcast remained the same. For organizational
purposes, the episodes are listed in this broadcast order. A second
problem with the episodes is that no titles were given in the shows
themselves. I've made up my own titles for each episode, which may
have little in common with the real episode titles. I've made an
attempt to match the episodes with the official titles, but I'm not
100% sure on all of the matches. (Official titles for which I'm unsure
if the match is correct are marked with "???".) One final note:
spelling of character names is the closest I could get from the
dialogue. Like the episode titles, the spelling I use may bear no
relationship what-so-ever to the spelling that was intended by the
writers of the series.
For quick reference.... Follow the link above to a page
with one or two line descriptions for all 65 wheelies episodes. My
episode teasers are relatively spoiler free (they don't give away the
endings). Links to longer episode synopses and guide pages (see
episode list below) will be added as I get the time.

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06.
07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12.
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.
43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.
49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.
55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
61. 62. 63. 64. 65.
The Lightning League Reborn
Astrocore Encounter
Water Trap
The Shield in the Stone
A Black Hole Affair
Fire and Ice
The Tree of Life
A Glimpse of the Future
The Baz Blockade
Double Trouble
The Lightning League?
Brain Trust
Hearts of Stone
True Courage
Mind Games
Melody of Life, Harmony of Death
Face of a Monster
Lucky Streak
King Finius
Vine Stopper
Festering Evil
Healing Winds
Total Internal Refraction
An Image of Audric
Soul Tree
Contact Is Not Permitted
Forge Home
Your Worst Fears
Dr. Zorg
The Liberty Stone, Part 1
The Liberty Stone, Part 2
The Liberty Stone, Part 3
The Liberty Stone, Part 4
The Liberty Stone, Part 5
The Helmet
Second Sun
The Rescue of Dr. Gar
Planet of Toys
The Chimes of Sharpiz
A Touch of Madness
The Great Gardener
A Small Problem
The Touch of Peace
Jal's Rescue
Double Negative
Night Moon
The Girl Behind the Curtain
Orion, the Hunter
Purple Home
The Vase of Jung
Time Lense
Iana's Animals
Circus, Circus
Giant Flowers
Escape From the Garden
Flora, Fauna, and the Monster Minds
The Silver Crusaders
Critical Mass
Fire and Ice
The Sleeping Princess
The Future of the Future
Blockade Runners
Deadly Reunion
Lightning Strikes Twice
Brain Trust
Space Outlaws
An Affair of Honor
Double Deception
Do Not Disturb
A Question of Conscience
Hook, Line, and Sinker
Early Warning
Bounty Hunters
The Children of Solaris II
The Mirage Makers
Short Circuit, Long Wait
Underwater, Underpaid
Mistress of Soul Tree
The Squiresmith
The Life Eater
Wasteland (???)
The Liberty Stone, Part 1 (The Liberty Stone)
The Liberty Stone, Part 2 (The Vines)
The Liberty Stone, Part 3 (The Space Fighter)
The Liberty Stone, Part 4 (Heart of Paxtar)
The Liberty Stone, Part 5 (Appointment at Forever)
Steel Against Shadow
The Source
The Raid (???)
What's Going On?
Final Ride at Journey's End
Chimes of Sharpis
Armada (???)
The Gardener
The Purple Tome
Quest into Shadow (???)
Common Bond (???)
Deadly Reflections
Moon Magic
The Oracle
Space Thief
The Hunt
The Stallions of Sandeen
Vase of Xiang
Time and Time Again
Unexpected Troubles (???)
The Slaves of Adelbarren
Galaxy Gamester
Circus Planet
Sky Kingdom